Can I set an email alias to forward to multiple email addresses? Can I set an email alias ...

Topic: Can I set an email alias to forward to multiple email addresses?

Post Can I set an email alias to forward to multiple email addresses?
by wires001 on 2022年3月12日

Just set up an email forward account with Dynu DNS and am entering the email aliases and destination email addresses from our old provider but I do not seem to be able to set an alias to forward to two email addresses. Can you tell me how to to do that?

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Post Re: Can I set an email alias to forward to multiple email addresses?
by biffmcgerk on 2024年6月25日

I also need this... anyone know of away ?

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Post Re: Re: Can I set an email alias to forward to multiple email addresses?
by timothytw on 2024年6月25日

biffmcgerk wrote:I also need this... anyone know of away ?
The email forward has a 'Distribution List' feature where you can forward to a list of email addresses.

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2025年3月11日 4:18