Easy to remember location name Easy to remember location...

Argomento: Easy to remember location name

Post Easy to remember location name
di maugar su mercoledì 20 maggio 2015

Hi, first I want to thank you for a great service. I have many domain names and aliases that I use at home, at work and with my server at remote locations. It is not easy to keep track of all the names. Could you please come up with a location or group name to assign to different hostname and aliases so that it is easier for us users with many domain names to manage? Thanks!

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Post Re: Easy to remember location name
di timothytw su giovedì 28 maggio 2015

Thank you very much for your suggestion. You can use the 'location' parameter to update a collection of hostnames including those created as aliases. The IP Update Client also supports the 'location' parameter.

You may refer to the API for more information.

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Post Re: Easy to remember location name
di rahsharma su giovedì 28 maggio 2015

There is also a location management area in the control panel inside the DDNS section. You can find an icon within DDNS for each domain name and it all leads to a common location interface where you can manage locations for all your hostnames.

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Post Re: Easy to remember location name
di hursant su lunedì 6 gennaio 2020

is location renamed to group now?

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Post Re: Re: Easy to remember location name
di Xiaoye su lunedì 6 gennaio 2020

hursant wrote:is location renamed to group now?
That’s correct.

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giovedì 13 marzo 2025 20:55