Access Apple Airport from the internet Access Apple Airport from...

Argomento: Access Apple Airport from the internet

Post Access Apple Airport from the internet
di Gromcan su martedì 23 maggio 2023

Which configuration should i use? There are 3 in the tutorial:

- Third-level hostnames

- Top-level domains

- All hosts in a user account

Also, in API credentials section there are 2 configurations.

- OAuth And API Key Details

- Transaction Signature

What do i put as a password? There are «sercret», "API Key» and "Shared secret».

Also, how to get access from iphone to my airport? I opened Apple «Files» app and then in the right upper corner i choose connect to server after i put host name as server(for example). What kind of connection, name and password to fill in?

Also, how to connect via VLC app? As smooth as it does in home network?

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Post Re: Access Apple Airport from the internet
di timothytw su mercoledì 24 maggio 2023 is a third-level domain. You should follow the third-level domain instruction.

Password: The Shared Secret (TSIG Signature) in the MD5 algorithm (see below)

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giovedì 13 marzo 2025 21:22