cURL is a tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the many supported protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS etc). You can use cURL's HTTP and HTTPS protocol to update your free dynamic DNS hostname with Dynu.

You can do the updates in one of the two formats below:

curl ""
curl ""


curl -u username:password ""

  • cURL supports basic authentication embedded in URL so can either embed the authentication in the URL or pass in the password (or MD5 /SHA256 hash of the password) as a query string parameter.
  • URL should be enclosed in double quotes otherwise the parameters will not be sent fully by cURL.

  • If you do not want your ipv4 to update, you may pass in the parameter myip=no. Similarly, if you do not want your ipv6 to be updated, you may pass in the parameter myipv6=no. If the myip and myipv6 parameters are not passed in, the server will try to auto-detect the IP address sent by your device.

    Here are some common update URLs:

    Update one domain name

  • Non SSL:
  • SSL Format:

  • Update all domains in your account

  • Non SSL:
  • SSL Format:

  • Update a subdomain

  • Non SSL:
  • SSL Format:
  • For more information on free dynamic DNS update URLs and methodology, you may refer to the IP Update Protocol page.