Unable to Set up an exist...
Unable to Set up an existing domain with iCloud Mail
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- Unable to Set up an existing domain with iCloud Mail
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- Unable to Set up an existing domain with iCloud Mail
Topic: Unable to Set up an existing domain with iCloud Mail
Hello, I am unable to setup an existing domain with iCloud mail, getting the message “Checking the MX register” all the time. My configuration required is below:TXT:TypeTXTHost@Valueapple-domain=<code>SPF:TypeTXTHost@Value"v=spf1 include:icloud.com ~all"MX:TypeMXHost@Priority10Valuemx01.mail.icloud.com.MX:TypeMXHost@Priority10Valuemx02.mail.icloud.com.DKIM:TypeCNAMEHostsig1._domainkeyValuesig1.dkim.domain.com.at.icloudmailadmin.com.I guess my issue is the dot at the end of the mx domain, I can’t add it, but I don’t know either if it is requiredThanks,
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Author | Topic: Unable to Set up an existing domain with iCloud Mail |
jsalas Joined: 17/10/2020 |
Unable to Set up an existing domain with iCloud Mail dimanche 6 novembre 2022 00:39
Hello, I am unable to setup an existing domain with iCloud mail, getting the message “Checking the MX register” all the time. My configuration required is below:TXT:TypeTXTHost@Valueapple-domain=<code>SPF:TypeTXTHost@Value"v=spf1 include:icloud.com ~all"MX:TypeMXHost@Priority10Valuemx01.mail.icloud.com.MX:TypeMXHost@Priority10Valuemx02.mail.icloud.com.DKIM:TypeCNAMEHostsig1._domainkeyValuesig1.dkim.domain.com.at.icloudmailadmin.com.I guess my issue is the dot at the end of the mx domain, I can’t add it, but I don’t know either if it is requiredThanks,
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